42% of Canadian Moms Have Faced Criticism, Shaming, or Prejudice for Nursing in Public.
Our survey of 130 women shows that number is closer to 90%.
We know that stigma is one of the biggest barriers to breastfeeding in public. Join us in taking a bold stand against the unfair judgment mothers face for nursing.
By speaking openly about breastfeeding, we challenge the stigmas, empowering parents to nurse confidently anytime, everywhere.

Your Story Matters—Break the Silence. Share your breastfeeding story using #BustTheStigma & Tag @bustthestigma.

In a powerful act of defiance, 42 breastfeeding mothers and their babies made headlines by crashing a highly anticipated Blue Jays game with a breastfeeding flash mob to Bust The Stigma!
- CBC Toronto
-Breakfast Television Canada
To amplify the voices of the 42% of Canadian moms who face prejudice while nursing in public, we've developed limited editions bras featuring our patented ALUXTRA clasp-free technology to empower confident nursing wherever you are.
Your purchase directly impacts future Bust The Stigma womens' initiatives and programming for breastfeeding rights advocacy, and workplace rights.
Join a Community of Change-Makers
About Mayana
Mayana has always believed in empowering women to feel comfortable and supported nursing wherever (and whenever) they choose. But after years of facing social media censorship, unfair judgment while sharing breastfeeding stories, and seeing mothers be vilified for their choice to breastfeed, we decided to take a bold step, And we're just getting started.